North Pacific Seeds

North Pacific Seeds (NPS) are leaders in the multiplication of high-quality vegetable seeds for the US and international markets. NPS forms part of the South Pacific Seeds group of companies that specialise in the production of vegetable seeds in various locations around the world including Australia, Chile and New Zealand. We are not seeding breeders ourselves but provide independent production services to seed breeding companies.
We have a strong commitment to research and development, ensuring the best techniques available in each production location are utilised to supply our customers with reliable yields and of high quality.
We are based in the heart of California’s central valley which provides us with the perfect location for the production of high-quality lettuce seed. Lettuce seed production is our core crop and we specialise in the production of LMV indexed seed, Conventional Seed and certified Organic Seed. NPS also produces mustard, arugula, mizuna and other salad leaf seed crops both for the conventional and organic seed markets.